Upgrading to a new platform

Today, we migrated all users to our new platform implementation which would allow us to extend our service in short time with many new exciting features for everyone. For starters, we will introduce very shortly new - long anticipated - versions of torrent clients (qBittorrent, Deluge v2, Transmission v4). Secondly the new platform should be easier to maintain and to extend with new apps and services. Thirdly we made several performance related changes and security updates to our software infrastructure as well.
While most users will not notice a difference in their accounts (as we tried to make the breaking changes as few as possible), there are a couple of changes that were necessary and will affect everyone, which are outlined below:
1) The SSH port is now 3232 for everyone. SFTP port is 2222 for everyone. All users can review the connection details and ports in their client areas, which have been updated.
2) The Connection URLs to torrent clients have been changed to {username}-{torrentclient}.cloud.seedboxes.cc (ex. https://username-rutorrent.cloud.seedboxes.cc). You can check the new torrent client URLs from within your client area. The old URLs are still in effect and can be still used for now, however they will become deprecated in the future, so we suggest that all users change them in their bookmarks or scripts as soon as possible.
3) The SSH environment has been updated to Ubuntu 22.04 and the latest versions of tools. If you have any custom scripts, you need to test if something is broken due to this update (especially due to the deprecation of python 2.7).
If you have any issues with the service, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.